We believe in working with Nature
At Coodardie Station
we breed beautiful Brahman cattle.
We also believe in living and working with Nature.
It is a 3-generations, family affair.
We believe in functional cattle that perform in the paddock year in, year out. We believe in doing this in an environmentally, economically and ethically sound manner which improves our country and produces animals that pay and yield well, have healthy, tender and tasty meat and are a pleasure to work.
Our cattle are continually being assessed both visually and physically for performance, confirmation, temperament and fertility backed up by DNA testing and comprehensive record keeping. Anything that does not come up to our high standards is instantly removed from the breeding herd.
Coodardie Brahmans are genetically quiet. Stress-free stock handling and management ensures that they remain this way.
At Coodardie we work with nature, using our cattle to help regenerate and improve our ecosystem function. We do this through planned grazing and Holistic Management.

We the O'Brien (& Lanzarin) Family, are Brahman cattle breeders and regenerative land mangers in the Northern Territory, Australia.
Our Business is multi-faceted . By their very nature, they are all interlinked and interdependent. We are all just a small part of a far greater whole.
Stud (ABBA registered) bulls - Herd bulls - Stud (ABBA registered) and Herd Females
AVAILABLE FOR SALE by private treaty (paddock sales)
Old Australian Brahman ​Semen
Moira Lanzarin is an internationally certified Holistic Management Educator with the Savory Institute and available for consultancy or training work.
SWEETPRO NT (NT Distributor)
The new science in animal health and nutrition - premium feed supplement for cattle, horse, sheep and goats. Urea and molasses free. Pro-biotic and gut friendly.
Suppliers of Quality Brahman bulls
- Bred in the North, For the North - since 1976

Contact Moira to see our current offering of sale bulls

Tribute to our Founder

Rest in Eternal Peace
Mike O’Brien, Coodardie Station 16 June 1943 to 12 Dec 2021
Husband to Clair. Father to Patrick, Dinah, Felix, Moira. Father-in-law to Mark, Sisi, Colin. Poppy to Josphine & Phillip (PJ); Madison & Imogen (DY); Savanna & baby bump (FS); Caleb & Anton (MC).
Dad passed away peacefully Sunday afternoon, only hours after additional family members had arrived from interstate and gathered round.
He was laid to rest at Mataranka Cemetery, 6.30am Saturday 18th Dec, accompanied by a Graveside service. His Eulogy can be read or viewed below.
When further treatment was no longer an option for Dad, he wished only to be at home. He has been with us here at Coodardie, surrounded by the things he loved most – his family, his Coodardie Brahmans, his faithful Dog, and on his Country.
We thank everyone for the strong embrace of love and support from near and far. We feel it and it is a source of great strength for us and a tribute to the man he was. We could not have asked for better or higher quality care and support than what we received from the RDH Palliative Care Unit, Mataranka Sunrise Clinic, and the NT & Qld public healthcare system.
Dad you will be greatly missed but his legacy continues. We are forever grateful.
To all our most valued clients, please as you look at your beautiful animals wearing the Coodardie brand and the progeny they have created for you, take a moment to pay tribute to the man who's vision, insight and sheer hard-work, made it happen. Your continued support is appreciated.
Thank you. We love you Dad.

Coodardie Station
6245 Stuart Highway
POBox 4101
Mataranka NT 0852
Visitors Welcome
Moira: 0428-474262
Clair: 08-89 754 460